In the constantly evolving landscape of commercial loans, the demand for immediate financial solutions has never been greater.
To address this pressing need, NBH Commercial Bridging No Doc proudly presents its revolutionary "No Doc" lending solution.
This innovative approach offers instant approval for commercial loans without requiring traditional income documentation for salary and business incomes.
Committed to providing your commercial loan swiftly and reliably, NBH Commercial Bridging No Doc emerges as the perfect choice for urgent settlement applications.
Product Highlights
No standard income documentation is required for salary and business incomes
Loan term up to 3 years
Maximum $5 million loan amount
No age limits
Vacant land accepted
Unlimited cash out/debt consolidation
Ideal for urgent settlement applications
Credit impairment may be considered
Embrace the future of lending today with NBH Commercial Bridging No Doc.

Vast Capital Pty Ltd ACN 630 388 635 Australian Credit Licence 514947 (VCMM). Loans are subject to credit criteria and terms and conditions. Fees and charges apply. VCMM welcomes referrals subject to prior arrangement. Real estate agents and brokers should contact VCMM to arrange accreditation prior to making a referral or loan introduction. Should there be any inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.